Prim’s Algorithm

It is a minimum spanning tree algorithm.

It scales well, fast with dense graphs.

It has a of with binary heap and with Fibonacci heap.

It works like this:

  1. Choose any node.
  2. Choose nearest node that is not included in the spanning subtree formed so far.
  3. Repeat step 2 until all nodes are included in the subtree.



Algorithm 4. PrimsMST(G=(V,E))  
Input: G- a weighted graph (V- vertices, E- Edges)  
1) Let x be a random node from V  
2) Let Vnew = {x}  
3) Let Enew = {}  
4) While Vnew  V  
5) Choose an edge (u,v) with minimal weight,  
such that u  Vnew and v  Vnew  
6) Vnew = Vnew  {v}  
7) Enew = Enew  {(u,v)}  
8) Wend  
Output: Gnew = (Vnew,Enew)



See also