Formal Languages

Formal languages are used among others as the basis for defining the grammar of programming languages and formalised versions of subsets of natural languages in which the words of the language represent concepts that are associated with particular meanings or semantics.

Defining a Language

  • Non-terminal symbols appear on the left of productions.
  • Terminal symbols only ever appear on the right of productions.

A grammar is a 4-tuple {S, P, N, T}, were S N is the sentence symbol, P is a set of productions, N is the set of non-terminal symbols and T is the set of terminal symbols.

Grammars generate strings. They are description of languages that provide a mean for generating all possible strings contained in the language.

A sentence is a string of symbols in T derived from S using one or more applications of productions in P.

The language, L(G) defined by a grammar, G, is the set of sentences derivable using G.

Context-Free Grammar (CFG)

Each production has the form A w, where A is a nonterminal and w is a string of terminals and nonterminals. Informally, a CFG is a grammar where any nonterminal can be expanded out to any of its productions at any point. The language of a grammar is the set of strings of terminals that can be derived from the start symbol.

A context-free grammar (CFG) consists of:

  1. A set of terminals (tokens produced by the lexer).
  2. A set of nonterminals.
  3. A set of productions (rules for transforming nonterminals). These are written
    LHS → RHS
    where the LHS is a single nonterminal (that is why this grammar is context-free) and the RHS is a string containing nonterminals and/or terminals.
  4. A specific nonterminal designated as start symbol.

Context-Sensitive Grammar (CSG)

Each production has the form wAx wyx, where w and x are strings of terminals and nonterminals and y is also a string of terminals. In other words, the productions give rules saying “if you see A in a given context, you may replace A by the string y.” It’s an unfortunate that these grammars are called “context-sensitive grammars” because it means that “context-free” and “context-sensitive” are not opposites, and it means that there are certain classes of grammars that arguably take a lot of contextual information into account but aren’t formally considered to be context-sensitive.

To determine whether a string is contained in a CFG or a CSG, there are many approaches. First, you could build a recogniser for the given grammar. For CFGs, the pushdown automaton (PDA) is a type of automaton that accepts precisely the context-free languages, and there is a simple construction for turning any CFG into a PDA. For the context-sensitive grammars, the automaton you would use is called a linear bounded automaton (LBA).

More info here.


  • Productions (Backus-Naur Form, BNF):

assign_stmnt variable := expression

assign_stmnt := variable ’:=’ expression

  • Sentence symbol at the top of the grammar:

  • Alternative definitions of a symbol:

  • Self-referential (recursive productions):

  • Empty production:

Another Example

Terminals: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + -
    Nonterminals: list digit
        list → list + digit
        list → list - digit
        list → digit
        digit → 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
    Start symbol: list

Watch how we can generate the string 7+4-5 beginning with the start symbol, applying productions, and stopping when no productions can be applied (because only terminals remain).

    list → list - digit
         → list - 5
         → list + digit - 5
         → list + 4 - 5
         → digit + 4 - 5
         → 7 + 4 - 5s

Recursive Productions

Recursive productions are defined in terms of themselves:

varlist variable | varlist, variable

if one of the alternatives contains the recursion at its leftmost end, the production is called left recursive:

A u | Av

Where A N and u, v are arbitrary strings in V.

We also have right recursive productions:

A u | vA

Left recursion in particular can be problematic.

Attribute Types

Values of attributes of items on the LHS of productions derived from values of attributes on the RHS are known as synthesised attributes:


Each semantic rule can be written as:

X.a = f(.a, .a, …, .a)

We can also have inherited attributes, where values of attributes on the RHS are derived from values of attributes on both the LHS and RHS.

Types of Attribute Grammars

S-attributed grammars only use synthesised attributes, can evaluate correctly by a bottom-up walk over the parse tree.

L-attributed grammars have inherited attributes in which all inherited attributes are only functions of symbols to their left in the production. They can be evaluated by left-to-right depth first traversal of the parse tree.

See Also