Chomsky Grammars

Type 0 (free) grammars:

  • Productions of the form u v, where:
    • u, v are arbitrary string in V.
    • u is non-null.

Type 1 (context-sensitive) grammars:

  • Productions of the form uXw uvw, where:
  • X N
  • u, v, w are arbitrary strings in V.
  • v is non-null.

Type 2 (context-free) grammars:

  • Productions of the form X v, where:
  • X N
  • v is an arbitrary string in V

Type 3 (regular or free) grammars:

  • Productions of the form X a or X aY, where:
  • X, Y N
  • a T

All Type 2 grammars can be parsed, but there are some subsets, commonly used for programming language definition - which can be parsed particularly efficiently.

Although Type 3 grammars are not powerful enough for complete languages, they are widely used to define the lexical elements of a programming language. They can be parsed very efficiently, in particular by a finite state machine.

See Also