• Very popular.
  • Nodes represent decisions, arcs represent possible answers, and terminal nodes represent classification.

Example from Iris data:

Classifying with a Decision Tree

  • Traverse the tree starting at the root node.
  • At each decision node follow the appropriate branch according to the case that you are classifying.
  • Repeat until you reach a leaf node.
  • Classify according to the label at the leaf node.

Building a Decision Tree

Building a decision tree involves repeatedly splitting nodes until all elements belong to one class.

  • Using the example data we used before:

What happens if we add new data?

Demo here.

  • Often known as rule induction.
  • Nodes are repeatedly split until all elements represented belong to one class.
  • Nodes then become terminal nodes.
  • Deciding which nodes to split next as well as the evaluation function used to split it depends on the algorithm.

Iterative Dichotomiser 3 Algorithm

  • ID3(examples, target_classes):
Create root node, root
If all examples are pos. then return single node with label +
If all examples are neg. then return single node with label -
    a = attribute that best classifies examples
    Set the decision attribute for root to a
    For all values of a, v_i
        add a new node corresponding to a = v_i
        Set examples_v_i = all cases in examples where a = v_i
        If examples_v_i is empty Then add a leaf node labelled with most
        common value of target in examples
        Else Call ID3(examples_v_i, target_classes)
    End For
Return root
  • How do we decide which attribute best classifies the examples?
    • We can use the entropy function:
      • Where: is a class, is the proportion of cases that take on the class .
    • ID3 uses information gain which is the expected reduction in entropy.


Pruning Decision Trees

  • Simpler models are preferred.
  • Known as “Occam’s razor”.
  • Prevents overfitting.
  • Tree pruning can be performed:
    • Goes through each decision node.
    • Considers converting it into a leaf node.
    • If this does not reduce classification accuracy, then the pruning is carried out.