Hash Tables

A hash table is a data structure which offers a fast implementation of the associative array (abstract data structure, also called a map, symbol table or dictionary) . It maps a Key to a Value.

Important to note that key and value could be any type of data structure.

A hash table consists of an array of ‘buckets’, each of which stores a key-value pair. In order to locate the bucket where the key-value pair should be stored, the key is passed through a hashing function. This function returns an integer which is used as the pair’s index in the array of buckets. When we want to retrieve a key-value pair, we supply the key to the same hashing function, receive its index, and use the index to find it in the array.

Array indexing has algorithmic complexity O(1), making hash tables fast at storing and retrieving data.

  • Hash tables are vector with n entries.

Hash functions:

  • H(k) gives a key, k, yields a value in the range [0,n] (it is important to have an even distribution).
  • Store key, k, and value, v, at index H(k) in the vector.
    • May end up with multiple keys with the same H(k).
      • Build up a double linked list of entries (open hash table).
      • Use next available free slot (closed hash table).


Hash function must have a good distribution and must be large enough. Closed tables may run out of space, open tables may get inefficiently large lists.

A well design insertion and lookup is .


Associative arrays are a collection of unordered key-value pairs. Duplicate keys are not permitted. The following operations are supported:

  • search(a, k): return the value v associated with key k from the associative array a, or NULL if the key does not exist.
  • insert(a, k, v): store the pair k:v in the associative array a.
  • delete(a, k): delete the k:v pair associated with k, or do nothing if k does not exist.

Using Hash Tables

The hash function return the hash value, which maps the key to an index in the table.

Collision: two things with different hash codes could be mapped to the same index.


  • Address books
  • Linking file name and path (local system)
  • Password verification