
In unsupervised learning, no labels are provided.

  • Algorithm detects structure in unlabelled input data.

There are two types:

  • Clustering: goal is to find homogeneous subgroups within the data (based on the distance between observations).
  • Dimensionality reduction: goal is to identify pattens in the features of the data. Often used to visualise data as well as pre-process it.

K-means clustering

Partitions observations into a fixed number of clusters. It finds homogeneous clusters.

stats::kmeans(x, centers=3, nstart=10)


  • x is a numeric data matrix.
  • centers is a pre-defined number of clusters.
  • k-means has a random component and can be repeated nstart times to improve the model.
# initialisation: random assign class membership
init <- sample(3, nrow(x), replace=TRUE)
plot(x, col=init)
# iteration
# 1. calc the center of each subgroup as the avg pos of
#    all observations in that subgroup.
# 2. each observation is then assigned to the group of
#    its nearest centre.
# layout for plotting: 1 row and 2 columns of plots
# use colors specified by init
plot(x, col=init)
# calc cluster centres by taking the mean of each cluter's points
centres <- sapply(1:3, function(i) colMeans(x[init == i, ], ))
# transpose for plotting
centres <- t(centres)
# plot as points
points(centres[, 1], centres[, 2], pch=19, col=1:3)                  
# calc distance between cluster centers and data points
tmp <- dist(rbind(centres, x))
# convert distance matrix to data frame and keep only the first
# 3 columns
tmp <- as.matrix(tmp)[, 1:3]
# assign clusters for each data point by finding closest cluster
# center
ki <- apply(tmp, 1, which.min)
# remove the first 3 rows (distances to cluster centers)
ki <- ki[-(1:3)]
plot(x, col=ki)
points(centres[, 1], centres[, 2], pch=19, col=1:3)

Model Selection

The best outcome: smallest total within cluster sum of squares (SS). It is calculated as:

For each cluster results:

  • for each observation, determine the squared euclidean distance from observation to centre of cluster.
  • sum all distances.

This is a local minimum, no guarantee of a global minimum.

How to determine the number of clusters

  1. Run k-means with k=1, k=2, …, k=n
  2. Record total within SS for each value of k.
  3. Choose k at the elbow position, as illustrated below.