Assessed Exercise

  1. Load the IMDB movie review dataset. What is the first movie review of the ‘positive’ class in the training set? How about the second negative movie review in the test set?

First review for positive class in training set:

“This movie does contradict the first one as far as the origins of the Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins goes. I won’t deny that. However, if you look at “Part II” as a separate film, then it’s a very good movie. I remember watching this in the early 80’s (and fitting into its targeted demographic audience then), and absolutely loving it much more than the first movie (not that I didn’t enjoy that one too, it’s just that this one seemed to have a little something extra to it). Sure it’s darker than the first one too, but perhaps maybe that’s why it’s so good. And it’s dark in deeper kind of subtle way too (that kids may not fully understand, but could still be a bit scared of because of the atmosphere it gives off, and adults watching will surely get quicker as I have now watching this film again now in my mid-twenties) where you basically have a young girl making a deal with an evil spirit/demon in exchange for something else. Get the picture? But simply watching that as a child, sure as I said it may have been a little scary, but nothing traumatizing. In fact if anything it gave me another fantasy game I could play when I was that age. I can’t tell you the number of times I used to pretend Dark Heart wanted to imprison me, have me help him capture the Care Bears, tried to make me turn over to his dark side, and other things like that etc. So this movie was also good for my imagination. And it’s also got great emotional depth to it too. I used to watch it at least once a week.

Also Hadley Kay was the perfect choice for the voice of Dark Heart (I always thought so and I always will).

Now it’s just too bad that they never made a soundtrack available. Sometimes I just want to hear Growing Up without watching the movie, as good as it is.

“What good is love and caring if it can’t save her?”

Second negative movie review in the test set:

A low budget may be an excuse for poor acting talent and pathetic looking fake gore. However, it is not an excuse for poor writing. It is a talent to be able to write dialog without making it sound forced and mechanical. The dialog in this movie was on par with most instructional videos shown to fast food staff in training.

I also understand that one must make a few exceptions when it comes to acting talent when you only have 20 bucks to spend on it. With that being said, no serious director would have looked at these scenes and said to himself, “that was perfect”. I see better character acting on Canadian television.

This movie had a paper thin plot, bad acting, poor dialog and holds no intelligent ideas at all. This simply proves to me that some independent films are that way for a reason. If your looking for a quick scare, rent anything else. Even the “Cable Guy” was a scarier film. After watching this film, I think i would have been better off watching a re-run on the X-files.