Use Case Diagram

  • Hassan: Donations and Login.
  • Sammy: Play Game and Register.
  • Pietra: Forum and Check for duplicates.
  • Zeeshan: Access profile and Leaderboard.
  • Adriana:

Forum Sequence Diagram

The Forum relates to User, Admin and Post.

The User first needs to be logged in.

The User creates a Forum, they set the topic title and description.

The admin either approves or not that forum.

If not approved, the forum does not get displayed on the website.

If approved, the User can create a Post. They set the title, content, tag and view. TODO Author is set automatically, based on their userName?

The admin either approves or not that post.

If not approved, the post is not displayed.

If approved, the post is displayed and the number of views is also displayed and constantly updated.